Monthly Coffee Post – Niederegger’s Röstkaffee Fein Gemahlen

With the UK being firmly propelled into winter’s clutches this past week the MSG team have been reaching more frequently for that mug of coffee to warm our insides and spark our energy as the light fades outside our windows.
Picked up by Meg on her recent trip to Cologne with Lawrence Sheriff School, this month MSG have gone continental and are sampling Niederegger’s Röstkaffee Fein Gemahlen or Niederegger’s Finely Ground Roasted Coffee for those of you not familiar with the German! A 250g bag of these beans retails at €5,70 (approx. £4.85), which you can buy here.

Founded in 1806 by Johann Georg Niederegger, this family-owned company originally started up selling marzipan and luxurious sweets for royalty and aristocrats alike. Made of Mediterranean almonds, sugar and a secret ingredient that is so highly treasured it has been passed down through the generations, Niederegger marzipan is sold worldwide.

As the company has progressed into the 21st century it has introduced a beverages range. Knowing that the MSG team are more of a savoury that sweet bunch, Meg decided against the marzipan flavoured coffee beans and stuck to the standard ground roasted option. This however, did not mean that the coffee was lacking flavour and depth.

Tom decided these beans created ‘a black forest gateau concoction of coffee’ and he very much enjoyed the treacle, cherry and chocolatey tones that came through.
Glenn who takes his coffee black, picked up on the smoky almond flavours of the drink. Produced by a company so well know for its confectionery products, it makes sense that their famous marzipan flavours can be tasted in their coffee beans.

Meg enjoyed the sweet notes supplied by the cherries but found the dark and smoky tones slightly overpowering. The chocolatey and cherry aroma of the coffee certainly was a treat for her senses though.

Mark, keeping it simple, thought the coffee was ‘bang-on and delicious’.

MSG Verdict: Perfect for those who favour strong coffee with hints of sweetness. Its smoky tones and deep flavours provide a delicious earthy taste, yet its fruity undertones give those with a sweet tooth something to look forward to. Great for warming you up on chilly winter mornings.