Monthly Coffee Blog – Dr Mojo’s Feelgood

As summer comes to an end and the autumn nights start to draw in, our go-to coffee brand this September has been New Zealand’s very own Mojo Coffee in a last-ditch attempt to identify with warmer climes at this time of year and fend off the chill a little longer.

A brand that started out as a boutique café in Wellington, Mojo Coffee is now one of New Zealand’s most popular independent coffee roasters, operating 35 cafes between Auckland, Wellington, Japan and China.

Despite their international success, Mojo Coffee have stuck to their values and remained “a very small team of incredibly hands-on, passionate people,” characteristics which the MSG team know are key ingredients in any business.

Bought personally by Mark on his recent inspection trip to New Zealand in preparation for the upcoming Lions Tour, Dr Mojo’s Feelgood blend was up next to be tested. Described as ‘round, smooth and defined’, the Feelgood whole bean blend retails at $12.50 (approx. £7.20) per 250g bag.

Beautiful #latteart by the very talented @nzbarista

A photo posted by Mojo Coffee (@mojocoffeenz) on May 18, 2016 at 4:19pm PDT

With a deliciously strong aroma of roasted nuts and sharp lemony tones it was certainly a treat for the senses when being brewing in the office. Even Reg the dog licked his lips at the scent of it!

Glenn, who’s coffee knowledge rivals that of Mark the self-proclaimed Barista, loved the grapefruit flavours of this blend, most notable when taken black as is Glenn’s preference.

Katie picked up on the chocolate and almond flavours of the coffee, perhaps noticing different tones to Glenn because she took the coffee with milk.

Tom found the Feelgood blend quite tangy yet pleasant enjoying the sour notes coming through from the grapefruit.

Meg enjoyed Dr Mojo’s Feelgood blend. She found the citrus tones refreshing yet not overpowering and loved the butterscotch biscuit finish.


MSG Verdict: Delightful aroma and subtly different flavours to normal everyday coffee. Perfect if you fancy a change from the strong nutty flavour of most coffees. Great as a everyday office coffee as it was enjoyed by black coffee and milky coffee drinkers alike.

For more information visit-