BHXtravaganza – My first MSG event

Travelling has always been a huge passion of mine, therefore when I was presented with the opportunity to join the MSG Tours team I couldn’t refuse. Although this meant flying the nest and leaving the South Wales Valleys for Derby, this was an offer I couldn’t turn down, starting with the BHXtravaganza.

A start date of the 18th of September was agreed on the basis that I would join the MSG team for the event at Birmingham Airport the week prior. BHXtravaganza? This sounds exciting! I had no idea what to expect but I couldn’t wait to get stuck in.

The BHXtravaganza is an annual event hosted by the Birmingham Airport Gurus in order for airlines to showcase their new routes and services in and out of Birmingham International Airport.

Upon arriving at the National Conference Centre, Birmingham I was surprised by the amount of people that were present at the event, who knew travel was such a popular industry? We were greeted with glasses of champagne before a brief introduction by the lovely Airport Gurus in their amazing 60’s inspired skater dresses! They were very informative and explained the purpose of the event and the itinerary for the evening (perfect for a first timer like me.)

Then the exciting part, prizes! We were informed that a number of airlines were giving away some amazing prizes including flights to exciting destinations on their route network which definitely caught the attention of the crowd.

Here we go, time to circle the room, being a first timer, I decided that my plan of action would be to shadow my colleague Katie (the longest serving MSG employee) The room was filled with tables, one for each airline flying out of Birmingham Airport.  We begin to work the room, I am amazed by the number of airlines that currently fly out of Birmingham, including some big names such as Emirates and Qatar.

After observing Katie speaking to different airlines, I begin to distinguish a pattern in the conversations she is having with each representative. Each conversation seems to come back to what they can do for us. “Do you have a groups department” or “Can you help me with this issue” Katie knows exactly what she trying to achieve here.

Following a number of helpful conversations and new contacts made by Katie, it’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for, the prize draw! The room goes silent as each winner is announced, then a great moment for MSG: Lucy has won! Two flights with Turkish Airlines to any destination on their network. What an amazing end to a great evening.

MSG's Lucy wins Turkish airlines flights

Thanks to the Airport Gurus for inviting the MSG team to a fun and beneficial event. I look forward to returning in the future as an MSG employee.

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